Financial Sector
Job Evaluation
I am very comfortable with the Decision Tree Job Evaluation system, as it measures a number of factors, and the end result
is much more believable and transparent.
Reward Specialist
For this large bank that utilised broadbanding, it became difficult to market price positions consistently and accurately.
In effect, a proper job evaluation system was needed to ensure that market pricing could be conducted more effectively.
A user-friendly and transparent job evaluation system was implemented.
In comparison to other systems, Decision Tree was affordable and through its use of an extensive database of questions.
System was detailed and did not place a large factor-weighting on the financial component of jobs. The client felt
that this would not influence the evaluation, but rather accurately pitch the position in terms of overall complexity.
- All requirements outlined in the client's detailed specification were successfully fulfilled by Decision Tree.
- The system's transparency and robust checks and balances earned approval and endorsement from the unions.